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Harris County Cite and Release Program

Misdemeanors can result in an arrest and weeks of jail time, but a new in Harris County, Texas initiative called the Cite and Release Program may make it possible for individuals who commit certain misdemeanors to avoid jail time altogether, including the initial arrest itself. While the program will help some individuals avoid any jail [...]

What the Modern-Day Speeder Has in Common With Former President Grant

Speeding tickets are a tricky thing. We get irritated and possibly chagrined when issued a rare speeding ticket, even though most of us are normally law-abiding citizens. But we become indignant when someone else offers a blatant disregard for those same speeding limits. As it turns out, Texans seem to share these exact sentiments with [...]

By | October 23rd, 2019|Traffic Tickets and Criminal Defense Info|0 Comments

Do speeding tickets affect automobile insurance?

Do speeding tickets affect automobile insurance? In short, they don’t, IF THE TICKET NEVER GETS REPORTED TO THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND ENTERED ON YOUR DRIVING RECORD IN THE FIRST PLACE. Those who have been issued a speeding ticket likely know that receiving a citation can end up negatively affecting auto insurance rates. [...]

By | September 28th, 2019|Insurance Issues, Traffic Tickets and Criminal Defense Info|Comments Off on Do speeding tickets affect automobile insurance?

Drivers License Problems

Driving in Texas is not a right – it’s a privilege. As such, it can be taken away at any time if the license holder demonstrates that they are a threat to others on the road. However, in many cases, someone loses their license due to administrative or comparatively minor offenses. And even when someone [...]

By | May 16th, 2017|Drivers License Problems|Comments Off on Drivers License Problems
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