Houston and Pasadena Ticket Lawyer
Being a competent Houston ticket lawyer and provider of Texas-wide traffic ticket legal defense, Robert Eutsler is associated with a vast network of traffic attorneys, and many highly trained and knowledgeable paralegals and staff. We have immediate access to our own computerized database filled with information developed over the years for each of the hundreds of courts that we service.
Be aware of all the hoopla you hear about the annual “warrant roundup.’’ The media seems never to include the option of posting a bond to remove your warrant. Instead, the public is warned to come in and pay before the arrest dragnet goes into affect. Simply paying your ticket results in a conviction on your driving record, but they don’t tell you that. Posting a bond removes the warrant for your arrest, and resets the case for another day in court. Let us help you remove your warrants and keep your driving record clear.
Also, if you hold a commercial driver’s license, or if your violation occurred in a construction zone when workers were present, there are special restrictions. The legislature has taken away several important options. For example, you cannot qualify for defensive driving or for deferred disposition. Deferred disposition is a kind of deferred adjudication, where your violation is dismissed if you satisfy court-ordered terms of unsupervised probation. Instead, if you hold a commercial driver’s license or are cited for speeding in a construction zone with workers present with any kind of driver’s license, you must fight harder to protect yourself. This may include multiple trips to the courthouse, ending with a jury trial or a dismissal if you are lucky. We understand that your driving record can affect your livelihood and your insurance rates. We know that even for non-commercial drivers, employers often pull your driving record when you apply for a job. We are committed to fighting your case as hard as possible.
If you are undecided whether to represent yourself, do yourself a favor and give us a call first. Perhaps you have not heard of the old saying: “He who represents himself has a fool for a client.” There are many pitfalls in traffic court, and you probably do not have access to the vast reservoir of information that we do that can help you best resolve your case.
All you have to do is tell us which court your ticket is in and what you are charged with. Our helpful staff will discuss the various options that might exist in your particular traffic ticket case. Call us now for a free consult at 713.464.6461, or email us at firm@theticketattorney.com, or contact us through our website. There is no charge to discuss your particular case.
It is suggested that you contact us right away, as experience informs us that delays can inadvertently lead to missed deadlines, with attendant costs and arrest risks. Also, if we do not have to rush, we can keep our fees as low as possible.
If you want us to “take care” of your ticket so that it does not appear on your driving record without wasting any more of your time, we will advise you if this can be accomplished in your particular court, and the costs to do so.
If you desire, or the court requires, a traffic ticket lawyer with you in court, we can provide a competent traffic ticket lawyer, whether in Houston, Dallas, Pasadena, Galveston, Baytown, Harris County, Fort Bend County, Galveston County, Montgomery County, or many other cities and counties.
If you missed court and have a warrant for your arrest, we are licensed in most courts to post a bond and lift your arrest warrant.
Our fees are competitive, and we provide competent legal services. However, it is our client-friendly service and attitude that sets us apart from all the rest. That we happen to provide traffic ticket defense is incidental to the three most important aspects of our business: service, service, and service.
We will write you, email you, and/or call you to remind you of important deadlines. We will answer all of your questions. We are open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday, and on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There is usually no need to come in to our office. Payment can by made conveniently and securely over the phone.